Merritt Stevens Self-Defense System 0. Basic Block - step aside with your hip, put hand edges up to meet attackers arm, exhale sharply. Say "Woo!" 1. Kote Mawashi - Attacker grabs lapel, grab hand to you, step back to your left hip, relax, step forward left, pushing attacker to ground. Pain is used as a suggestion of a direction to go, not to punish. When stepping, lift foot and slowly transfer weight into shoulder. 2. Oshi Taoshi - Block right, throw body weight into right hip, step backwards, straighten arms. Drop your body weight into atackers arm. 3. Kote Gaeshi - Block, grab attacker's fist or hand, step forward right, pushing the fist back through attacker's right hip. Control technique - Use body step yank to spin attacker over, as he goes down. Must catch him before he is flat on the ground. Lock arm on shoulder as you lean in, secure armlock with your elbow on his. 4. Tenkai Kote Hineri - Block, hip-switch feed to left hand as attacker pulls back, step through under the arm to face him, up on your toes, drop it down. Can take into lock. Don't want to get arm twisted behind him, stay in fron where your power is. 5. Shiho Nage - Block inside (punches left), hip-switch feed to left hand, step under with right foot, hand over head. Throw attacker backwards. Control technique - You have him down with your left hand hooked. Push left palm straight down. To release arm, push in gently with right hand, free your left to take the wrist and pull out to straighten it, turning him over to lock position. 6. Gyakugamae Ate - Block, come over attacker's arm with left hand, let attacker run into your hand, drop weight on his face with a left step. Keep hold of his hand with your right hand for pulling into lock with left step yank. 7. Aiki Nage - Block right, come around the back of attacker's head with your left hand to wrap his chin, drop weight back along arm as in #2, then turn back through him with your right side when he tries to pull up. Keep turning to his rear corner, and let the arm slide down to where you can turn him over. (If he doesn't pull up, ride him down.) Control technique - Should be palm to palm when attacker goes down. Turn figers in to #3 wristlock, push gently, turn over. 8. Ushiro Ate - Catch hand as it comes up, push it across, grab the shoulders, and draw him down backwards. This move is just a throwaway to get someone out of your way. Use your fingertips (all 5) to hook the shoulders, and lock his heels down. 9. Kube Garuma - You are forced to step right, into attackers open side. Block hands up, right on his head and left on his arm. Continue turning step backwards and in. (This is the last step of the Walking Exercise in Tomiki Aikido.) 10. Hiki Taoshi - Evasion step right, grab wrist, turn over and raise up slightly with step back, then pull down into arm bar. Left hand rolls over attacker's arm to lock the elbow. Pull back stepping with your whole body. Punch straight in to the mouth when attacking, same-hand/same-foot. Attacker on street is not expecting you to be able to defend. Do not fight his movements, use the element of surprise. Practice right-handed, 10-1 chance that attacker will be. Posture - imagine 3 bowling balls at chest, abdomen, and butt. You must be aligned to have power: ass in, belly out, and head up. Pulling into lock - spin attacker around with a step back of the same foot that brought him down. If you catch him coming down on his foot, you can throw him with one step on his line of attack. Don't practice this, it's there. All techniques will tie-in, with possible exception of #8 back throw. Have your attacker resist the first move you make, then follow where he takes you. Suggestions and other probable attacks: Resists #2 pull, turn into #3 push. Resists #4 inside turn, turn into #5 outside turn. Pushes into Basic Block, tie in to #6 push down. Pulls away from Basic Block, tie in to #10 pull down. Pulls back wrist from #3, tie in to #6 face push. Basic Block, threaten eyes with fingers of both hands, pull into #2. Choke, turn body just as in Basic Block, grab wrist for #4 take down. From behind, turn lifting hands to block, continue turn into #2. Grab left from behind, turn inside, continue pushing into #3. Knife at your throat from front, push block into the knife, index finger pointing along the knife, turn into the knife, push down into #1. Knife on other side, push down into #3. You must use your hips. (If he's not holding you, you can just walk away.) Knife at throat from behind, left arm bar. Hold knife hand with your right, push elbow back into him with turn step. Slip out from under his knife hand and pull it down in #4 wristlock. Knife thrust, inside hand comes up and in towards you on inside of attacker's wrist, outside hand slaps back of knife hand inwards. This forces the knife to drop. You can then control with #3. Practice with the attacker holding you with the knife. He gets to cut you any time he sees you move to do a technique. This builds confidence that he cannot cut you if you do it correctly. You are training each move for your life in a hostage situation. Keep your cuffs loaded, that is, cocked down to the last ratchet, so you can pop the cuff onto his wrists. Turn him over after cuffing by lifting his head. You are responsible for his safety once he is in your custody. Put him into a sitting position with your knee into his back. Push him so that he pops straight up. Do not lift him; make him stand. If you hook the cuff chain with your fingers for control, he can twist his wrists easily and cut off your thumb. Use #4 wristlock. Have suspect face the wall, both feet turned out 90 degrees, heels together. Step on his heels and he cannot move. Lean into him with hand in the center of his back. Have him lace his fingers behind his head. Grab the two center fingers together and squeeze. Cuff him by reaching inside, not pulling him first, because he can turn into you. Once it is cuffed, bring it to his back, hold there and back his other hand into it. Cuff center prisoner normally, hands behind him. Cuff other two together, facing backwards from the center one, with cuff laced through his arms.