Ukemi (Falling and Rolls) (done to a ten count, alternating right/left) 1. Lay on back, tuck chin, cross hands. Drop arms to sides, palm down. 2. Sit up, tuck knees, cross hands. Fall back, with slap, tucking chin. 3. Squat, cross hands. Sit, then fall back, with slap, tucking chin. 4. Stand, cross hands. Squat, sit, fall with slap tucking chin. 5. Lay on side, legs shoulder-width apart. Lift legs into air. Fall on other side, slapping, legs apart and feet turned in. 6. Squat, hand out. Draw hand back and place side of foot on ground. Fall along length of down leg to side, slapping, feet turned and apart. 7. Stand, hand out. Step opposite, draw hand back and place foot. Fall along length of leg to side, slapping, feet turned and apart. (done at your own pace, alternating right/left) 1. Kneel with opposite leg out 90 degrees. Place shoulder on mat, with leading hand palm out betwen your legs. Slowly push up until you roll diagonal to spine, slap, feet turned in and apart. 2. Kneel, place forward hand on mat, lift back leg until balance takes you over, roll diagonal to spine, slap, feet turned in and apart. 3. Stand, lean forward till hand touches ground, fall when balance takes you over, roll along diagonal, slap, feet turned in and apart. 4. Stand, turn sideways, step forward into roll. 5. Stand, turn backwards, step forward into roll. 6. Stand, step forward, extend opposite hand, roll opposite side. 7. Step, step and hop with other foot, forward roll of first foot. 8. Stand, hand out. Draw hand in, tuck head, do airfall over hand.